Sunday, May 29, 2011

The Doctor Visit

So I went in Tuesday for my regular check up with my GP. I needed a prescription refilled. Anyway, I had gained six pounds since my last visit back in October. He started talking about things that would happen if I continued to gain weight...when he said the "D" word (diabetes) he had my attention.

I told him in all seriousness that I "don't eat that much" but still can't seem to keep off the pounds. And I got an explanation that FINALLY made sense to me. The average person needs about 2000 calories each day. I was probably in that range. What he finally made me understand was that maybe the 2000 calories wasn't right for ME. So even if I "wasn't eating that much", it was still TOO MUCH for me.

We talked about how you start to lose muscle after 40 and that you have to adjust your diet and exercise accordingly. The lightbulb finally went off in my head. I wasn't overeating in the sense that I was constantly stuffing my face...but I was overeating for my body.

We figured out that for a woman of my height, age, etc, I should take in about 1336 calories a day if I want to lose weight. I'm also preparing to start a step program at work on June 6. My next doctor appointment is in November and my goal is to lose 29 pounds by then.

So far, so good...the calorie thing is taking some work, but my steps are good. My goal is 6000 steps per day and I'm meeting that. Back to P90X and that helps. yay!!!

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Post Surgery Do-Over

Okay, so now that I'm more or less recovered from my sinus surgery I plan to get back on the P90X program. I may have to start out slow, but we'll see. Today will be day 1. I plan to take new measurements, etc. Ugh...I hate starting over.

Saturday, March 19, 2011


I think I'm going to put my workouts on hold until after my surgery. I had someone tell me that I shouldn't, that I'd be that much I'm undecided. Any thoughts or opinions?

And for those of you asking "Surgery? What surgery?"...I'm having surgery on my sinuses and my deviated septum fixed on March 30. My fingers are crossed that this will stop my snoring and resolve my sleep issues.

I'm not trying to make excuses but ever since my promotion...I've been working like a crazy person. My hours are a bit longer and I come home exhausted. I haven't had the energy for a matter how much I tried to talk myself into it. I feel like I've already undone any good.

Anyway, that's it for now.

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Fell Off the Wagon

I fell out of my routine the last two weeks. :0( Work got crazy and I would come home too exhausted to have a conversation much less workout for an hour.

I refuse to get on the scale right now...I don't want to get too down on myself. Next week, I hope to get back into the routine.


Sunday, February 20, 2011


So, I decided to take some measurements today. The first number is my starting stat.

Stats after 2 weeks:

Weight - 161.3 159.2

Chest - 39 37

Waist - 37 1/2 36

Hips - 43 42

Thighs - 39 38 3/4

Total weight lost = 2.1 pounds
Total inches lost = 4.75

I haven't lost anything in my arms, but I can feel the muscle under the fat...I couldn't do that before. So yay me!!!!!!!!!!!!!

This week was my "monthly" week so I didn't exercise like I should, but I'll jump back into it next week. I'm trying not to focus on my weight and look at the inches and where I can see a change.

Baby steps...right? I didn't gain this weight or get this out of shape in a few weeks, so I can't expect miracles. But I do like the fact that I'm seeing some progress.

Thanks for reading!!

Sunday, February 13, 2011

I do not like Yoga X

Okay, I've tried to do the Yoga X twice now and couldn't. And I don't mean physically it was too challenging...I mean it was so mind-numbingly boring that I had to turn it off. Yikes, what a beat down. I'm just going to drop it from my workout rotation.

Today I did arms, shoulders and abs. Abby is my new workout buddy/personal trainer. She was fetching me water and telling me to "touch my hand" just like Tony from the DVD's. I love that kid! She said I had to drink lots of water so I wouldn't die! LOL

I can't be sure, but I think my jeans are a little baggy in the booty. Yay!

Friday, February 11, 2011

End of week 1

Well, I survived my first week. I didn't take measurements (I'll wait until Week 4) but my weight is:


Starting weight: 161.3

I'm gonna call it 2 pounds lost. ;0)

I'm finding that I'm a little stiff/sore for a day after the workout, but not so much that I want to stop. It's kind of a pleasant reminder that I'm working my muscles.

This week I want to focus more on my eating habits. More fruits and veggies.

On to Week 2!!